
Popular Hashtags you should use while posting on Instagram

Popular Hashtags you should use while posting on Instagram!

If we talk about the digital world a few years ago, then at that time the hash (#) sign was put on mobile phones to check the balance. Hash symbol is also known as pound blackberry because it is derived from the symbol weight unit lb. It was used in 1988 on a platform called Internet Relay Chat.

In today's time, the same hashtag has become so common on social media that everyone uses them while posting to increase their reach.

A hashtag is a kind of meta tag that specifies any content. By using hashtags, different categories of content can be searched easily by looking under the hashtags in the search bar. 

Its first recorded use is by a blogger named Stowe Boyd who named it Hashtag (#) for the first time in one of his blogs. After this, the hashtag became a huge thing in social media and everyone was using it. Later on, you could even look things up on Google using hashtags.

Twitter was the first social media platform that started using the term officially, two years after the word Hashtag came into being. In July 2009, Twitter formally adopted Hashtag into its platform. After that, putting a Hashtag in front of any word would make it a hyperlink, and other posts related to it could be easily seen when clicked on it.

In 2010, the word hashtag was also included in the Oxford Dictionary.

Hashtags are used to express their opinion on a particular issue as a Common Tag. And many organizations and companies use it in the launch of their products and service. There are currently no guidelines regarding Hashtag in this Digital World and due to this, sometimes it is used incorrectly. 

Hashtags can be written in 2 formats, like, #hashtagsareimportant or #hashtags_are_important. The first one is technically correct, but it makes the words difficult to read. The second one is used to separate the words to make it easier to read. However, you can do the same by capitalizing the first letter, like, HashtagsAreImportant. Symbols like ?, &, %, etc. aren't valid in the hashtag and @ is used to tag a person.

But before you use any hashtags, you should make sure which hashtags are used more. You should choose the hashtag that is more popular to get a better reach.

Here are some popular Instagram hashtags you can use in your post:






















































Some hashtags are also seasonal by nature. #summer #monsoon #autumn #winter are mostly seasonal but fall out of use during the other seasons. #valentinesday jumps up the rankings in February and #christmas in December. These become the trending hashtags during that period. Major events also affect the hashtags being used.

To select a hashtag, you should choose the ones that will help your post to reach many people. Your hashtags should be related to the image in the post you share because users can mark your content as something they don’t want to see if your images fail to deliver. You should use the popular Hashtags of Instagram to make your post accessible to more people and get more likes. There are many websites where you can easily check the popularity of Hashtag.

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